Geek Feminism Wiki

In 2013, speculative fiction editor and then-Tor employee Jim Frenkel was the subject of harassment revelations, including a complaint about harassment at Wiscon 37.

2014/Wiscon 38 timeline

April: Stephanie Zvan, specifically alerted the Wiscon 38 committee to the issue of Frenkel's attendance possible attendance at Wiscon 38 and asked them to take action.

May 22-25: Wiscon 38 was held. Jim Frenkel attended Wiscon and volunteered in the con suite.

May 28: Wiscon's ConCom posted to the Wiscon blog saying they were aware of the issue and of safety complaints.

Despite this, Frenkel attended Wison 38 in May 2014 and volunteered in the con suite. In June, Elise Mattheson reported that the Wiscon 38 committee had no copy of her 2013 harassment report. In July she decided that she probably would not attend Wiscon again.