Geek Feminism Wiki
Graham's Hierarchy of Disagreement1

This page lists Geek Feminism Wiki articles about arguments, excuses, and other rhetorics by theme and type.


It didn't/doesn't happen because[]

It's not sexist because[]

It might be sexist, but[]

It might be sexist, but it's okay because...[]

It might be sexist, but we won't address it because...[]


It might be sexist, but instead of complaining you should...[]

It might be sexist but you should shut up and accept it because...[]

Main entry for Shut up and deal with it

I/he/we/they can't help it, because[]

Main entry for Responsibility dodging's actually your fault, because...[]

Main entry for Victim blaming


Main entry for Derailment
  • Your argument is invalid because..

Ad hominem and tone arguments[]

Main entry for Tone argument

Women as a whole[]

Feminists as a whole[]

Male feminist allies as a whole[]