Geek Feminism Wiki

The Male Programmer Privilege Checklist

Being a man who has cis privilege, as a programmer, means:


See also: Othering

Not needing to bother with this shitty wiki


The original version of the list was by Kake, inspired by a post on the London Perlmongers mailing list. A number of other privilege checklists also served as inspiration.

From 2006-2011, the master version of this list was maintained by Tim Chevalier.

Guidelines for adding new entries

To some people, some of the items of this list may not seem very specific to software, computer science, open source, or IT. Perhaps some items seem common to all professional environments. That's okay; the purpose of this list is to sample a broad range of experiences that women, and people who were perceived at some point as women, have had while working as programmers. Not all of the experiences need to be experiences that only a programmer would have.

See also